William Jermyn & Associates


What We've Done

Marketing Services

We have extensive knowledge of the Canadian market, and market research sources. We have worked with equal facility with consumer and industrial products, and with services. We have used industry specialist associates where we believe their knowledge and contacts will yield quicker and/or more effective results. The following list of project assignment descriptions provides brief summary information on a representative selection of work undertaken, prefaced by the product or services sector involved, and the client country of origin. Unless otherwise stated, the market referred to is Canada:

  • Food Products -- Jamaica
    Preparation of food retailing analysis and guide for newcomers to the Canadian market; consultation on product prospects, and recommended strategies for the Canadian market.

  • Cookies/Biscuits -- Ireland
    Development of distribution channel strategy; interviewing and recommending distributors; developing pricing structure; setting targets, and supervising distributor performance.

  • Diary/Planner -- N. Zealand
    Market study; development of marketing plan; identifying customers; securing first orders; organising deliveries and collection.

Belfast newspaper article regarding
WJA initiatives with Northern Ireland
SMEs for the Canadian market.

  • Mail-Order -- US
    Market-entry logistics research for set-up of a Canadian clearance centre for a major mail-order retailer; checking tax and other practical implications.

  • Conservatories -- N.Ireland
    Market entry study for aluminium conservatoraties and search for a potential joint venture partner.

  • Tracked Vehicles -- Ireland
    Competitor evaluation; product development requirements; evaluation of market size and sales prospects; shortlisting distributors.

  • Seismic Cable -- Holland
    Market entry study for a major international oilfield equipment supplier; identification of joint venture candidates; market entry recommendations.

  • Synthetic Textiles -- N.Ireland
    Search for potential new products and technology transfer partner, for production for the EU market.

  • Computer Hardware -- US
    Survey of over 50 Canadian Value-Added Resale (VAR) dealers for one of the major US computer manufacturers, to establish reaction to their product, purchasing criteria priorities, and competitors’ performance.

  • Computer Services -- UK
    Investigation of the feasibility of providing out-sourced administrative services to a major banking organisation.

  • Computer Software -- Ireland
    Identification of potential customers, and securing first contracts for 2 clients -- one with an analytical CRM product, the other with a voice verification product.

Services to Export & Investment Promotion Agencies

Operational Consultancy
We have assisted EU, Caribbean, and East European Export & Investment Promotion national and regional agencies with a variety of projects, including Trade Missions, Trade Fair activities, Seminars & Symposia, Sectoral Market Studies, Group Marketing Programmes, Market Entry assistance for individual agency clients, and Investment Promotion activities. Following is a list of some projects undertaken:

  • Sectoral Market Study for software products and services targeting the financial services sector, and recommendations for promotional activity for Irish companies.

  • Trade Fair coordination with a seminar to promote investment in the biotechnology sector in the State of Baden-Wurttemberg, at BIO 2002, in Toronto.

  • Trade Mission to Toronto for IT Software companies from Ireland, with special emphasis on biometrics, network security, insurance and banking applications, and GIS applications.

  • Group Marketing programme, in cooperation with a US associate, to source strategic alliance partners in the North American marketplace for companies from Northern Ireland. The project involved diagnosing each company’s needs and requirements, carrying out a comprehensive North American search for potential partners, shortlisting candidates for discussions, and assisting the companies in negotiation of partnerships.

  • Symposium for Scientific Exchange in Toronto, where leading scientists in the Life Sciences sector from Baden-Wurttemberg and their counterparts from Southern Ontario, exchanged information, and explored the possibilities for joint research.

  • Market Entry studies and introductions in Canada for participant companies in an Export Marketing Development programme from Northern Ireland.

  • Trade Mission for a number of German manufacturers of materials handling, transportation, automotive, and electronic equipment to Toronto and Montreal.

  • Consultation to EU, Caribbean, and East European trade promotion agencies on North American market product prospects, strategies, and research plans; preparation of market research briefs, and execution of market-entry studies for a range of products and services.

  • Audit and selection of embryonic businesses with potential for development, in St.Petersburg, Russia; preparation of diagnoses and recommendations for sourcing North American strategic alliances, based on investment of finance, technology, and marketing.

  • Potential investor shortlisting, and promotional presentations in Canada, for a Caribbean agency, and also a UK regional investment promotion agency.

Technical Assistance
We have undertaken a range of technical assistance projects under the broad categories of institutional development, and trade and investment promotion, for national and regional promotional agencies, both directly, and through other main contracting consultants and associates. Following is a sample of past projects:

  • Assistance with strategic planning, and preparation of annual work plans for Canada, for an EU country trade promotion agency; preparation of a “Guide to Canada”; market entry studies for a variety of products.

  • Strategic planning for a number of Caribbean trade and investment promotion agencies; preparation of annual plans; improvement of market information systems; training in market research skills; sectoral strategies; preparation of market research briefs.

  • Recommendations for the setting up of a Canadian–Caribbean country business association.

  • Study of requirements, and recommendations for services to be provided, for a new regional business support agency in a former Eastern European country.

  • Preparation of articles on Business Plans, Joint Ventures, and Strategic Alliances for circulation to a number of companies, in six Latin American and Caribbean countries; identification of potential Canadian investment partners; presentation of prospects for agri-industrial joint ventures.


We have organised, or participated with US associates, in 10 graduate business and media programmes from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, to Canada and the US.

We run a work experience internship programme for graduate language students, in association with a Toronto language school, for students from Latin America and S.E. Asia.


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