William Jermyn & Associates


What We Do

Marketing Services

William Jermyn & Associates (WJ&A) provides strategic market research, commercial intelligence, and a range of consulting services for organisations seeking assistance in marketing, in new product or service development, or in the pursuit of strategic alliances.

We specialise in assisting Small & Medium Enterprise (SMEs) clients from outside of Canada to market their products or services in the Canadian market, or to seek strategic partners, as appropriate. Our services can be extended to the US market, with the assistance of our US associates.

We also offer similar services to Canadian clients wishing to enter the US or EU market, again in cooperation with our associates in each market.

We provide customized research quickly and efficiently. Above all, we seek to deliver actionable information, quickly and efficiently and to the highest professional standard, tailored to our clients' requirements and deadlines.


A group of German businessmen after a meeting with Bombardier, arranged by WJA and their Montreal
associates, Groupe DDM.

WJA President, Bill Jermyn, speaking at a Canadian Chamber of Commerce lunch event in Toronto.


Once the informational needs of a client have been satisfied, we aim to make practical recommendations which will yield quantifiable results. We offer strategic and operational consultancy services which can be used separately, or in conjunction with the completion of research.

Operational consultancy is particularly useful to SMEs where, in effect, we can supplement their marketing human resources, on a short-term basis.
Areas where our research and consultations have been particularly effective include:

  • Product Reaction
  • Competitor Evaluation
  • Agent/Distributor Search
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Promotional Planning
  • Distribution Management
  • Sales Promotion
  • Market-Entry Studies
  • Market-Entry Strategy
  • Market-Entry Logistics
  • Market & Sectoral Studies
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Technology Transfer
  • Joint Ventures

Export & Investment Promotion Services

Operational Consultancy
We also specialise in providing our marketing services to national government and regional export and investment promotional agencies, and also through them to their SME clients. Our services include:

  • General and Sectoral Trade Missions
  • Group Trade Fair Participation
  • Group Marketing Programs
  • Technical Seminars and Symposia
  • Market Guides, for general sectoral information
  • Market Surveys for particular products, services, sectors
  • Market Itineraries for client personnel, or their clients/members
  • Investor Identification and Assessment
  • Presentations to Potential Investors

Technical Assistance
We have developed a package of technical assistance services for organisations involved with trade and investment promotion. We usually work directly with government, municipal, or trade association clients, on a national or regional basis, and sometimes, in the case of developing countries, through bi-lateral and multilateral aid organisations, and specialist international consultants. Our institution-building, trade, and investment promotion services mix includes:


Bill Jermyn with the then Canadian Prime Minister,
Jean Chretien, and then Toronto MP John Nunziata,
during a Canadian Trade Mission to Dublin.

Bill Jermyn with staff at the St. Petersburg Small
Business Development Agency, during a USAID
assignment with Deloittes, Washington.

  • Audit of government promotional agency work methods and procedures
  • Evaluation of effectiveness; development of targets
  • Preparation of export promotional agency Annual Workplans and Budgets
  • Training in organisation methods, market research techniques, marketing skills and, strategic planning
  • Development of market information systems
  • Creation of system for charging for services
  • Improving relationships between overseas and head offices
  • Assessment of client/members capabilities and needs
  • Mobilising strategic alliance and technology transfer programmes
  • Investment promotion planning.


We have developed customised training, work experience, and personal development programmes in Ireland, Canada and the US, for business and media graduates, and english language graduate students.

A group of participants at a recent graduation ceremony for a training and work internship programme in Toronto.


©2005 WilliamJermynAssociates.com